A great turn out for Round 3 with 34 riders in attendance on Sunday 8th April. Once again riders were ready to tussle with their competitors for competition points as well as get in some practise for our upcoming regional event.
Our 7 nippers enjoyed a day of riding practising many of the Minikhana events as well as getting in a little Enduro for the day. They all went home with huge smiles and I am sure they, as well as their parents slept well that night! All other classes were well represented and competed in the following events: non footing clover, Alcceler8, Looping, Orange, Slow, Ring return and Minicross. The competition was strong and in many events there were fewer black flags than we have seen in the past. The skills are certainly improving! Looping was, as always, a challenge but was a good opportunity for our new riders to experience just how technical and rewarding this sport can be. Even though many of the riders black flagged on the very first turn, you could see the determination in their eyes to try and make it past the next turn. Hopefully our young riders can get in plenty of practice over the next 2 weeks and show the rest of the Minikhana clubs just how good our Hornsby riders are at the upcoming Hornsby Interclub. Some of our new members joined us for the first time today and added great value to the club. Some of our newest riders landed themselves a place on the podium too! The results for the day: 50cc Auto - 1st Charlie #23 Miniwheels - 1st Jordan #751 65cc - 1st Beau #98 85cc - 1st Keenan #602, and Junior Big Wheels - 1st Dom #224 . After all the riding and the presentation the day ended on a social note with the club putting on a spread of nibbles. This gave the adults an opportunity to chat (without the yellow vests on) and the kids some play time off the bikes. Thanks to all our parents for the hard work that goes into our competition days. From cooking the BBQ to marshalling our in the sun every single bit helps! Our president even put his body on the line as he had a stack on the Start ropes...thankfully no cameras were around for this! ...Check out some fantastic action shots here courtesy of Julianne from ‘Totem Design’. This coming Saturday 14th April we have a MX coaching day with Michel from ‘Race Pace’ If you are interested in attending this please contact Race Pace directly or click here and book your spot asap. Sunday 15th April...Minikhana practice day...Gates open at 8am. We look forward to seeing you there! Go Hornsby! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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