Starting out with the club can be quite daunting. There are a number of fees, forms and signatures required to our club as well as our governing body, Motorcycling NSW (MNSW). Rest assured once you get the process started it is not that difficult and there is always help close by.
Below is a list of the fees involved with the club for annual membership as well as on-going costs for ride days. It also outlines basic MNSW license fee that are REQUIRED to be able to ride minikhana.
Below is a list of the fees involved with the club for annual membership as well as on-going costs for ride days. It also outlines basic MNSW license fee that are REQUIRED to be able to ride minikhana.
- Annual HJDBC Membership Fees
- Single $90 join, $70 renew
- Family $130 join, $100 renew
- Upgrade single to family, $30
- HJDBC Ride Fees, for any HJDBC event (Practice or Competition), $30
- Once Only Kickstart Fee $30 plus membership above
- Additionally, your Motorcycle Australia's 'Mini' license or 'Junior Restricted Competition' for Minikhana will cost $138 per annum payable to Motorcycling Australia
Hornsby Junior Dirt Bike Club - Code of Conduct
Below is the Code of Conduct expected from all Members/Parents/Visitors and Patrons of Hornsby Junior Dirt Bike Club. Please read this and explain it to your rider(s).