Who are Hornsby Junior Dirt Bike Club Inc. (HJDBC)
Since 1970, Hornsby Junior Dirt Bike Club Inc. has provided local supervised and legal venue for children to ride their dirt bikes. Catering for riders aged between 4 & 19 years, we are affiliated with and operate under rules set by Motorcycling Australia and Motorcycling NSW.
HJDBC is the smallest minikhana club in the Sydney Metropolitan area with around 100 members. Our focus is on fun, friendliness and sportsmanship. At all times we aim to keep our riders active. After all, members join our club to ride their bikes; so that's what we do!
What we do!
Hornsby Junior Dirt Bike Club is a Minikhana club.
Minikhana is about teaching junior riders good riding skills and techniques where skill rather than speed is predominantly the determining factor. Riders learn a variety of cone and ring events, including minicross. The club participates in friendly ride days with other Minikhana clubs and riders of all skill levels can also choose to compete in interclub competitions against other Minikhana clubs.
Events are mostly skill based with minicross and acceleration tests also. Emphasis is not necessarily on speed but in finishing without disqualification and improving on skill and technique.
Regular interclub events are also held against riders from the other Minikhana clubs. Held at different venues across the Sydney metropolitan area, these events are run under the same rules as club competitions and are open to all riders wishing to enter, regardless of skill level. Winning competitors receive trophies awarded on the day and accrue points towards yearly individual State and Club Minikhana Championships.
Drive through the green park gates at the end of Beaumont Road, Mt Kuring-gai (approx. 10mins drive north of Hornsby) and you'll find our club house.
On a scheduled ride day, gates open around 7:45am with riding scheduled between 9:30am and 3:30pm. Enclosed footwear must be worn at all times by all riders and spectators.
No riding or visits are permitted outside of scheduled riding days.