Name: Danny
Age: 9 First Motorbike: Yamaha PeeWee 50 Current Bike: KTM 65 SX If you could have any car or bike: KTM 450 When did you start riding a motorbike: When I was 4 First race: Sutherland Regional 2017, the day after I turned 7 and was able to go to 50cc Biggest crash: Sutherland Regional 2019, at the start of the Minicross race Favourite food: Pasta Favourite snack: Cucumber 3 fav things: soccer, dirt bike riding and mountain bike riding Favourite Drink: Coke 3 fav minikhana events: orange, slow and footed clover Hobbies: soccer, dirt bike riding and mountain bike riding What do you want to be when you grow up: A soccer player Who do you admire: Siblings What are you most proud of: My dirt bike riding Favourite holiday place: Shoalhaven What scares you: The dark & spiders Fav sports person: Pele Favourite movie or t v show: The Incredibles 1 and 2 What do you like best about motorbike riding: racing Fav track: Louee If you could change one thing in the world what would it be: NO HOMEWORK! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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